DESTINY'S CHILD.................

destiny-something that is inevitable.destiny plays cruel tricks on may even have the tendency to call them miracles sometimes.i believe that things that happen,do so for a reason.nothing can be irrelevant.although i think its a boring idea,but can it be true that life is something predetermined and written by a superior being?how cunning is it that someone up there knows all that is going to happen to is exciting when it is unpredictable,by us.i wouldnt want to know what's going to happen tomorrow,good or bad.just want to live it and face it whenever it comes,however it is.

go get what you want,if that is what you really want.


rubs said…
destiny is something not everybody believes in....but i strongly agree with you that everything happens for a reason
Iceman said…
Destination is decided...I agree....but its the journey that matters.
So dont worry about what kind of destiny awaits.Worry about how you will get to your destiny.
Unknown said…
The things which u wrote abt destiny was awesome i totally agree with wat u have written in ur destiny's child...thanx for writing such wonderful experience........
Mooseman said…
Destiny is a name often given in retrospect to choices that had dramatic consequences- J K rowling
and thats a fact.....need i say more....

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